Our story; the prediagnosis, diagnosis, hospitalization and daily life with type 1 diabetes.

Click here for our prediagnosis/diagnosis Story

Type 2 diabetes is (in a nutshell) insulin resistence. The body makes the insulin, but the receptors on the cells are impaired at taking it in, therefore sugar accumulates in the blood. Can usually be reversed with diet and exercise. There are pills that increase insulin sensitivity.

TYPE 1 DIABETES IS AN AUTO-IMMUNE DISEASE for which there is no prevention or cure (yet!). The body's own immune system destroys the beta cells in the pancreas which produce insulin. As insulin production ceases, sugar accumulates to extremely dangerous levels. Insulin injections MUST be given at each meal in order for food to be used. Without insulin, the person with type 1 diabetes would starve to death in a short time. Type 1 diabetes cannot be outgrown. It cannot be reversed by diet and exercise.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Bawling My Eyes Out

Just read this post after visiting the website, Six Until Me, and wondering, "What does 'six until me' mean?"


It made me cry. Go see.

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